Star Wars Battlefront Beta’s Walker Assault Imbalance Acknowledged, Tweaks Being Made

"The beta is in Imperial favour right now."

The Star Wars Battlefront beta is currently open to all and while opinions are mixed thus far, almost everyone has made the same observation – victory as the Rebels during the Walker Assault game mode is nearly impossible.

Walker Assault places two teams of 20 against each other in an attempt to either escort or destroy an AT-AT. The issue with the beta map – Hoth – is that while the Imperial forces have AT-STs, AT-ATs and spawn fairly close to objectives, the Rebels have no vehicles and spawn pretty far away.

DICE seems to be aware of these issues at least. Lead multiplayer designer Dennis Brännvall said on Twitter that, “Don’t worry, we are making tweaks as we speak to make Walker Assault more balanced. The beta is in Imperial favor right now.”

Level artist Daniel Cambrand further added that, “Believe or not, we’re actually gathering gameplay data from the beta and will balance things.”

It is believed that Rebels will have a better advantage when more powerful Star Cards are available for use, but that’s in the full game. What are your thoughts on the beta especially with Star Wars Battlefront out on November 17th in North America and November 20th in Europe? Let us know in the comments.

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