Star Wars Battlefront Cheat Giving Away Infinite Health To Players

So far the glitch hasn't been addressed by EA.

While by most accounts, the launch of Star Wars: Battlefront was a very big success, there have been a few glitches and bugs since the game hit the market. One such bug ranks among those that gamers usually describe as gamebreaking, because it changes the way players are able to play to a rather massive degree. This particular bug allows for people to gain unlimited health. Even worse for the players is there appears to be times when enemies are also unbeatable, making some of the battles in the game rather pointless.

Reddit has been the main hub for pointing out this bug but there are clearly more than a few users who have found the glitch. At first there were a number of users who thought the issue was lag or hacks but the frequency of the bug as well as reports of personal experiences seem to point towards a good, old-fashioned glitch. “Had this happen to me. Somehow turned invincible after my 12th death during a multiplayer match and ended up going 55-12. I saw the laser shots hitting me but I didn’t take any damage.” One Reddit user reported.

At the moment, there doesn’t appear to be a clearcut reason to why this glitch is happening. Neither EA or DICE have talked about it as well, so we’re not sure whether the company is aware this problem even exists just yet. For now, some people will be able to be unbeatable when they wade into battle in Star Wars: Battlefront.

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