Star Wars Battlefront Has “Pure Multiplayer Focus” Like Past Titles

Senior producer Sigurlina Ingvarsdottir explains the lack of a "true" campaign in the shooter.

Star Wars Battlefront has come off another successful Gamescom showing but it’s easy to look back and remember the disdain the game first garnered when it didn’t have a “traditional” single-player campaign. DICE has often spoken about keeping the focus on multiplayer but senior producer Sigurlina Ingvarsdottir told GameSpot that this was primarily due to the series itself focusing heavily on multiplayer.

“As we concepted the game and thought about the legacy of the previous Battlefront games – they didn’t really have campaigns, they’ve always been predominately a multiplayer franchise. That’s what we wanted to do. We wanted to focus on the multiplayer.

“From the start it had a pure multiplayer focus. It was a lot of the pedigree of the DICE studio, in terms of having delivered great multiplayer in the past, and for us we feel like this is more of a multiplayer franchise. So that’s been the focus.”

However, Ingvarsdottir does acknowledge that DICE can’t cater to everyone. When it comes to a franchise like Star Wars, there will be different expectations across the board.

“People have so many expectations toward Star Wars. It’s so vast. There’s so many things that you want from it. We have to focus.”

Star Wars Battlefront will be out on November 17th in North America and November 20th in North America for PS4, Xbox One and PC.

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