Star Wars Battlefront’s Walker Assault Imbalance Addressed, Changes Being Made

DICE says asymmetric modes are "tricky and risky but potentially awesome."

In case you didn’t hear DICE the first time, it will be looking to balance Star Wars: Battlefront’s Walker Assault mode based on feedback from the recently concluded beta. This is due to the overwhelming criticism that the mode is imbalanced in favour of the Imperials.

Responding on Twitter to a fan questioning his skills since he never won a single match as the Rebel side, community manager Matthew Everett said, “Nope! It’s a balancing issue within the beta.”

Lead multiplayer designer Dennis Brännvall further stated that, “Yeah, it’s too tough. We’ll make changes based on the feedback and data. Asymmetric modes are tricky and risky but potentially awesome, that’s why we want beta test help.”

There are the usual points that Walker Assault could be easier for Rebels once players unlock more powerful Star Cards. However, that won’t address initial imbalance for new players who haven’t unlocked anything. As it stands, it’s incredibly difficult to win when AT-ATs and AT-STs are constantly after you.

Star Wars Battlefront is out on November 17th for North America and November 20th for Europe on PS4, Xbox One and PC.

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