Steam Link Being Discontinued, Valve Confirms

It looks like they are moving towards the Steam Link app instead.

Valve’s hardware initiative, featuring the Steam Machines as a bid to try and make inroads into the living room, was very misguided, but the one good thing that came out of it was the Steam Link. The Steam Link was basically an “extender” for your Steam games, letting you stream games from your PC to your living room TV (or any other screen) via your network connection.

It was cheap, and well liked. But it’s been discontinued now. Valve confirmed today that it is no longer selling new Steam Link hardware, and that existing supply of it is almost sold through as well. While Steam Link hardware that has been sold already will continue to be supported by Valve, it sounds like the Steam Link app is what Valve will be moving to as a primary form of remote play streaming within the same network.

It’s a shame, but I can’t necessarily blame them, since I have to imagine the app will end up being more cost effective for them in the long run.

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