Sunset Overdrive Like Tony Hawk, More Interactive “Than Games Like inFamous”

Insomniac talks about the movement system in their upcoming Xbox One exclusive.

Insomniac’s open world shooter Sunset Overdrive may have been compared to Sucker Punch’s inFamous but the developer believes it’s more in line with Tony Hawk with regards to the movement system and how you interact with the environment.

In a new interview, creative Director Marcus Smith stated that, “This is a game where you actually interact with the environment all the time. A lot more even than games like Infamous, where you interact with the environment by climbing the buildings, but most of the time you’re in the area doing stuff.

“This is a lot more like Tony Hawk, where the entire world had to be built with how the gameplay mechanics worked. These parts are so tied together that we couldn’t box them up and develop them independently.”

Director of Production Bryan Intihar added that, “When the game really crystallized for me, I think, is when we started putting traversal in the game. It wasn’t just about walking around the world and killing a bunch of enemies, but killing them in a really stylish fashion: grinding, jumping around, looking cool while you’re doing it.”

Sunset Overdrive is in development for the Xbox One and is rumoured to be releasing later this year.

inFamousInsomniac GamesMicrosoftSunset Overdrivetony hawkXbox One