SWERY Praises Xbox One Cloud: “I Just Don’t Have Enough Time or Hands to do it All!”

D4's director also talks about what excites him most about the console.

The Xbox One is due to launch in less than two days, but Access Games’ D4: Dark Dreams Don’t Die is still a ways off. We already know about the game’s use of Kinect, but what does director Hidetaka Suehiro aka SWERY feel about the potential of the Xbox One’s Cloud?

On being asked about Microsoft’s claims to make the console more powerful using the Cloud and whether we could truly have better graphics and physics through the same, he replied that, “I think that as the infrastructure evolves, the time may come when most resources and processes can be handled by the cloud.

“Also, if we developers continue to update the cloud – as opposed to retail goods – then it should be possible for us to continue to provide users with new features. If that happens, then as a creator there would be more and more things I’d want to do…Uh-oh – I just don’t have enough time or hands to do it all! What do I do?!

Aside from Kinect and the Cloud though, what else has the man excited for the Xbox One’s potential? ‘This would be an ‘evolution in style’ with regards to how the game is played. It would be awesome if this new device could help to start a new generation in the way that tablet PCs, cellphones, portable audio players, wireless controllers, and the PC mouse and keyboard managed to change our lifestyles over the past few years. ”

Do you agree and believe that it will? We’ll find out for ourselves when the Xbox One launches on November 22nd.

Access GamesAzurecloud gamingD4: Dark Dreams Don't DieKinectMicrosoftSweryXbox One