Team Bondi in trouble; faces distrust

The abusive work conditions at Team Bondi, which came to light a few months back have had some undesirable side-effects for the studio. Understandably, no one wants to work there and Team Bondi boss, Brendan McNamara is in merger talks, hoping for his studio to get absorbed by George Miller’s KNM studio.

Rockstar has been a bit reluctant to publish Team Bondi’s next game. In a way, it’s a bit funny after all, Red Dead Redemption studio, Rockstar San Diego was hit with similar allegations.

According to a Kotaku Source, “The word is going round that Team Bondi is being folded into KMM studios, Team Bondi is pretty much doomed after the scandal and can’t find any new supporters, so by doing this they can hide their name.”

McNamara is hoping that the studio gets absorbed so that he doesn’t have to face a large scale backlash. You can read more about the story here.

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