Techland Confirms PC Modding Tools For Dying Light

'We want to thank players for the support they have shown us.'

What a wild ride it has been for Techland and their new game, Dying Light, as far as user generated content and modding goes- from takedown requests for UGC, and a patch that accidentally blocked modding entirely, all the way to retractions of said requests, and Techland coming out and clarifying that the patch blocking modding was accidental and an unintended side-effect, and that they were working on a fox, this has been one hell of a roller coaster.

Now, in an effort to ensure that modders do not feel spurned, Techland has confirmed that it will release official modding tools for Dying Light on PC. Modders were a massive part of our gaming community since Call of Juarez 2 and Dead Island – and we wish to continue that with Dying Light. This invitation is only the first stage of our cooperation with the gaming community. After the modding tools are released, we plan to actively support the coolest mods created by players,” they said.

“We want to give creative freedom to the players to help keep Dying Light fresh and interesting even many years after their release. We want to thank players for the support they have shown us and are looking forward to their ideas where Dying Light can go from here.”

It’s good to see them being so open to modding and the modding community- to be honest, modding really will give this game an entirely new lease of life, and I cannot wait to see what modders do come up with.

Dying Lightmoddingpcps4techlandWarner BrosXbox One