The Division: Here Are A Ton Of Brand New Details For The Upcoming RPG

From loot to player customization.

The Division looks a promising game that many can’t help but be hyped about, in spite of the fact that it is being developed and published by Ubisoft. The promising persistently online third person survival action game, which launches next year, just got a new video released, which gives us more insight into its development- as good an excuse as any to get hyped about it even more.

Loot in The Division is specifically made so that you don’t miss out in rare items (unlike in other games, which come up with often devious camoflages for their highest tier loot). “The orange ones you see was the highest rarity and it was very flashy so you notice it. We make sure that when you get a good item, you don’t overlook it,” Ubisoft’s Andrada Greciuc explained in the video. “The lower rarity items are also marked, you should be able to find them as well, they’re just not as flashy. Also, not all kills grant loot, so that’s why you didn’t see [notifications] after each kill.”

Loot is just one component of how players will be allowed to customize their characters, too.

“We have a good system in place where we can actually customise regions of our gear,” he explained.

“For instance, the chest piece has up to three variants we can change. There’s an outer layer, a middle layer, and a bottom layer. That way you don’t bump into the same guy with the same gear and be like ‘Oh, I don’t feel as unique or as important in the game anymore.’ Plus you get to look how you want to look.”

The Division will launch next year on Xbox One, PS4, and PC. We anticipate seeing it at Ubisoft’s E3 presser this year. Stay tuned for more coverage.

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