The Division Sold Almost 500,000 Copies On PC In Five Days

At a rate of nearly 100,000 copies a day.

We already know that The Division is a stunning success for Ubisoft- it’s been breaking records, and has been called the largest new IP launch in Ubisoft’s history. However, what’s surprising, and especially for a Ubisoft game (Ubisoft titles have traditionally skewed towards console audiences) is how well it has done on PC- Steam tracking site SteamSpy reports that 466,191 copies of The Division were activated on Steam in its first five days.

This means that the game is selling almost 100,000 copies a day on Steam; it also does not count, as always, copies of the game that may have been purchased from any other storefront, such as Ubisoft’s own Uplay, meaning the actual number for PC sales may be even higher.

All said and done, then, it looks like PC gamers are taking to The Division pretty well. It makes sense- the game is essentially an MMO, a genre that has thrived on PC traditionally. It is like Destiny, a game that PC players have long demanded, except better- of course it would do well on a platform suited to it like the PC is.

pcps4The DivisionUbisoftUbisoft MassiveXbox One