The Last Guardian? It Wasn’t At Gamescom, And It Won’t Be At TGS Either

'We'll show it when we're ready.'

In what must be one of the most tortured development cycles for any game ever (seriously, the only thing that even comes close os Duke Nukem Forever), perennial MIA Sony first party game, and the butt-of-all-jokes, The Last Guardian, was missing from Sony’s disappointing Gamescom presentation yesterday, indicating that the game is still not in a showable state.

Well, either that, or just a simple matter of Sony wanting to debut it in Japan, at Japan’s premier game show, TGS, right? I mean, it is a Japanese game after all. It will probably be targeted pretty heavily at Japanese audiences. So it stands to reason that the game, which surely must be in a demonstrable condition by now, was being saved for next month’s TGS…

Aaand… nope. Yoshida has confirmed to Eurogamer that the game will be playing truant at TGS too.

“I don’t think [it will be at TGS],” was his response. “Sorry.”

“[We will show it] when we are ready,” he added upon being further prodded. “I cannot confirm any timing because we are waiting for it to be in a state where we are happy that this is the game. We have a certain time frame in our mind, and the team is making great progress, but still not to the point that we can say that, here you go.”

I mean, it sucks, and if I was still hyped about this game, maybe I would care. But my hype died a long time ago, and if there is anyone still looking forward to this game eight years after it started development and five years after its initial reveal, well then, I’d say, for the sake of your sanity, just let it go for now. Sony will show it if/when they want to, and if they don’t, at least you won’t care as much.

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