The Last of Us GIFs show the game’s animation and attention to detail by Naughty Dog

We have some spectacular gifs from The Last of Us for you. The great thing about them is that they allow you to check out a specific scene really close. Naughty Dog mentioned that they have been working on the game for almost 2 years now, so the project must be at an advanced stage.

It’s no secret that the game looks amazing, as we did screenshot comparison with Uncharted 3 earlier. It seems to be using the same engine, so there are a lot of similarities. What made the trailer stand out was the animations- they were really top notch.

When Joel and Ellie find some ammo and are cornered, you can really see the tension in their faces. This shows how much effort Naughty Dog has already put into the game.

Check out these gifs, and tell us what you think in the comments section below.






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