The Last of Us New Info: Realistic Hit Detection, No Blind Firing, Awesome Ellie

There's never a shortage of moments in Naughty Dog's upcoming blockbuster.

Naughty Dog’s upcoming survival horror adventure game The Last of Us has just received a wealth of new info via M! Magazine Germany’s preview of the game (provided by the kind folks at GAF).

Some of the new details revealed included realistic hit detection for protagonist Joel. If hit by a bullet, you’ll need to perform a series of procedures with R1 to remove the bullet, disinfect the wound and bandage it. Any actions using that limb will be affected from hence forth.

For instance, being shot in the leg means hobbling around when you get bandaged up and a bullet in the arm means your aim will be affected for some time. Another interesting note: If you don’t bandage that wound, Joel will slow bleed out as the screen goes red.

Ellie is also quite useful. Not only is she able to survive entirely on her own but will also provide input on how to escape to the player. Which is incredibly useful since the Clickers in the game are blindingly fast. You won’t have many chances to attack them from behind, and will have to make ample use of the Quick Turn to face them if they get the jump on you.

Also interesting is the lack of a blind fire mechanic. Naughty Dog is reinforcing that bullets in the game are scarce so you’ll have to make each shot count. It’s important to note that each item that you pick up for use a weapon has a limited number of uses as well.

You can upgrade, say, a two by four with a pair of scissors to make it a clawed club and thus more brutal. However, the overall number of uses it will have before breaking is reduced. Something to consider all the time.

Sounds like a fair amount of game to go with the experience. The Last of Us releases on June 14th worldwide for PlayStation 3.

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