The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie, Trails from Zero, and Trails to Azure Coming to PS4, Switch, and PC in West

All titles will receive English subtitles while The Legend of Nayuta and Trails Into Reverie will have English voice-overs as well.
The Legend of Heroes - Trails of the Beginning_01The Legend of Heroes - Trails of the Beginning_01

After listings for the games went live early on the Epic Games Store, NIS America and Falcom have confirmed that four games in The Legend of Heroes series are being localized for the West. The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie (which is the English name for Hajimari no Kiseki), The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero, The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure, and The Legend of Nayuta: Boundless Trails are all coming to PS4, Switch and PC. Check out their trailers below.

Also despite being leaked via the Epic Games Store, all of these titles will be available on PC via Steam and GOG as well. While Trails into Reverie, Trails to Azure and The Legend of Nayuta are all out in 2023, Trails from Zero is out in Fall 2022. More importantly, NIS America is partnering with fan localization group The Geofront, using their localization of Zero and Azure as a basis for the official releases.

It’s all good news for fans of the Trails series, though the wait will be long. In the meantime, the latest title in the series The Legend of Heroes: Kuro no Kiseki will release in September for PS4 in Japan. Falcom recently unveiled two new sub characters – Elaine and Rene – along with the L.G.C. Alignment System. Head here to learn more.

falcomnintendo switchNIS Americapcps4The Legend of Heroes: Trails from ZeroThe Legend of Heroes: Trails Into ReverieThe Legend of Heroes: Trails to AzureThe Legend of Nayuta: Boundless Trails