The Steam Festival: Summer Edition Announced For June 9th-14th

The digital event returns with the promise of more first looks.

It’s been a rough year for conferences. This is around the time when we usually get hit with back to back to back major conventions with PAX, GDC and E3. Two of those were canceled. In their place has risen several digital events, such as one IGN is doing with several publishers that was recently announced. In place of GDC was also Steam Game Festival, which gave first looks and demos of upcoming titles. Seems Valve and Geoff Keighley are looking to do an encore for the summer.

Keighley announced via his official Twitter, which you can see below, that the Game Festival will return for the summer months, with promises again of first looks and demos of upcoming titles. The time frame will be around the time E3 would have run, and at least some of the material here will probably have been part of that show in some capacity. No details yet on what titles we can expect or what publishers will be involved.

Steam Game Festival: Summer Edition will run from June 9th to the 14th. IGN’s Summer of Games will also run in June, but as of now, has no specified dates.
