The Thing: Remastered Gets Lots of Bug Fixes With Patch 1.1

The update brings with it a host of bug fixes, ranging from gameplay bugs, glitches related to ammo and health dispensers, and better performance.
The Thing RemasteredThe Thing Remastered

With Nightdive Studios having recently released The Thing: Remastered back in December, the studio has new update for the title. Patch 1.1 brings a host of fixes for crashes, gameplay bugs, and display-based bugs.

Among the fixes to the game is one for the Steam Deck, where the frame rate was locked to half of the system’s screen refresh rate when played with the Vulkan renderer outside of the Steam client. Other fixes include one for weapon firing rates not being respected, the direction Blake faces in the ending cutscene for the weather station level, and the addition of a “Most Recent” button in the load game menu.

The Thing: Remastered is, as you might have presumed from the title, a remastered release of the classic 2002 shooter The Thing. Much like the classic movie, The Thing: Remastered features plenty of body horror alongside Fear/Trust mechanics to keep players on edge.

For more details on The Thing: Remastered, check out our review. In the meantime, you can find the patch notes for the latest update below.

The Thing: Remastered Patch 1.1 Notes:


  • Fixed the Conspiracy Theorist achievement. Old saved games are retroactively fixed!
  • Updated Colins Fate achievement description.
  • Fixed a soft lock where Stolls would stop running to the black tech lab door.
  • Fixed a crash after detonating the C4 on the airstrip level.
  • Fixed a rare intermittent crash when fighting Thing beasts.
  • Added a “Most Recent” button to the load game menu, so it’s easier to load your latest save.
  • Autosaves now contain the name of the level they were saved on, instead of just “Autosave”.
  • Fixed a bug where characters would sometimes become unable to step up onto higher surfaces after falling off of the curbs in the roadway tunnel.
  • Fixed a crash when quitting the game.
  • Fixed a bug where bindings would be missing from the input options on first launch.
  • Fixed a crash in Strata Medibay when Fisk died before telling you the code.
  • Fixed Blake’s hand clipping with his sleeve in the first cutscene with Faraday.
  • Fixed a bug where the second camera angle would fail to activate during the weather station cutscene, allowing you to interrupt it and recruit yourself.
  • Improved performance when querying dynamic game options.
  • Moved the game version information to the options menu, off of the interstitial screen.
  • Decreased the visibility of the game version information so it is less intrusive.
  • Reimplemented the pan upwards when the game over screen is visible.
  • Added support for autoexec.cfg, allowing users to customize console variables not usually marked as saved to kexEngine.cfg.


  • Fixed an oversight where weapon firing rates were not properly respected when mashing the fire button. Excluding the pistol.
  • Ammo and health dispensers now dispense fewer clips and medipacks depending on the difficulty. This can be changed at any time during gameplay.
  • Marked some grenades as “volatile” so that they explode when damaged, like the original game, to fix a quirk where grenades placed for cinematic purposes would not explode.
  • Changed the direction Blake faces after ending the cutscene at the weather station level.


  • Fixed an oversight where an explosive barrel would explode when passing through the tripwire of an already exploded trip-mine charge in the penultimate level.
  • Hid the out-of-bounds “Back Door Key” item that looked like a document in the submersible level.
  • Fixed inaccurate collision in the first level, where characters would appear to sink into the snow.
  • Fixed collision in the watchtower on the third level where you could get stuck in the handrail.
  • Renamed Carter in the Strata Medibay level to Hawk, to utilize a set of unused voice lines.
  • Added the missing green light to a save terminal in the third level.
  • Fixed two computers in the weather station level that did not have an ID set for the Conspiracy Theorist achievement (given automatically to old saves).
  • Shimmied a medipack dispenser down in the level following Strata Medibay that was WAY too high up.
  • Fixed bad collision on the external stairs in the weather station.
  • Flipped a few ammo boxes which were facing the wrong direction.
  • Fixed several collision bugs in the Norwegian outpost where you could fall off of the world and walk underneath the building.
  • Fixed sounds across several levels that would duplicate forever, causing the game to eventually fall silent.


  • Fixed the depth of field effect sometimes creating bright flickering pixels.
  • Fixed the glass on the doors in the submersible being opaque.
  • Improved normal maps on many posters and boards.
  • Gave Whitley new trousers.
  • Changed the on-screen watermark in the editor build, so it doesn’t confuse people.
  • Performance improvements when using the D3D11 renderer.


  • Fixed a bug where speech audio would sometimes not follow the speaker.

Steam Deck:

  • Fixed the framerate being locked to half the screen refresh rate while using the Vulkan renderer, when launched outside of the Steam client.
Nightdive Studiosnintendo switchpcps4ps5The Thing: RemasteredXbox OneXbox Series SXbox Series X