Theatrhythm Final Fantasy gets a Versus XIII themed DLC

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy gets a new DLC in shape of Final Fantasy: Versus XIII. People will be shocked and confused at this, but there’s no need to be because its just a piece of music composed by Yoko Shimomura.

The game’s theme song will be available as a DLC update. The reason for this shouldn’t be surprising , though, but it doesn’t mean Versus XIII will announced any time soon.

We also have a sample song for you, and it will give you an idea as to how it will sound. You can check it out below (courtesy of Andriasang).

Theatrythmn Final Fantasy will be released later this year for the 3DS, and for Versus XIII… what Versus XIII?

Tell us what you think in the comments section below.

3DSFinal Fantasy Versus XIIIps3Square EnixTheatrhythm: Final Fantasy