And here's what all has changed.
And easily the most worrying kind.
Fans will have to wait a little longer for Nomura's epic.
Nomura knows way better than us, but it wouldn't hurt to see some of these.
Final Fantasy XV sequels incoming?
Has the shift to being a main franchise game affected the game's overall direction?
The eagerly anticipated title not a PS4 exclusive.
The online retailer prepares for Square-Enix's announcement.
Final Fantasy XV reveal on the horizon?
What remains in the original game? What was removed?
Nomura to appear on second episode of Square-Enix radio broadcast.
They could be major game changers when they release. Here's why you won't see them this year.
Please wait.
As always, with the stonewalling.
Apparently Sony is helping Square Enix develop the game in exchange for exclusivity.
Final Fantasy Versus XIII. GameStop. Clothing brand. Shenanigans.
Things just seem to get murkier for Square Enix's forgotten epic.
And we still wait for Versus XIII.