Titanfall 2 Devs Shed Light On Future Updates, Fixing Player Stats Display

Player stats will be displayed and cosmetic changes won't be Loot Boxed.

While it’s still early, Titanfall 2 developers Respawn have been doing everything right the last few weeks. Not only was the day 1 patch for the game a tiny 88 MB but the company has been talking for a while about how updates to the game will all be free.

Now the company is talking about future updates that will bring cosmetic changes and fix a few things they did get wrong out of the box. One of those things is that player stats are not displaying right now. Respawn took to Titanfall 2’s Reddit page to make it clear that the stats are being tracked, and will be displayed soon.

Yesterday, the company also confirmed that there won’t be any kind of season pass because maps and modes will all be free. There will be cosmetic changes that players will be able to purchase, but they won’t be part of a Loot box. Details on those cosmetic changes are likely coming soon. Titanfall 2 is out now.

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