Titanfall Anti-Cheat Arriving Soon, Respawn Clarifies Stance on Cheaters

Teh hackorz may not be long for Titanfall.

Titanfall is only less than a week old and it’s already becoming a new home for cheaters who use tools like Aimbots and increased speeds to fight. Respawn Entertainment earlier reported that it was aware of cheaters in the game and is dealing with them – now software engineer Jon Shiring has tweeted about implementing anti-cheat mechanisms for the future.

“We have anti-cheat but it is not enabled yet – it will be soon. This is important to us.”

As for whether such a stance would put off non-cheating gamers, Shiring responded, “Whoah Whoah. We ARE catching them. We are not yet ENFORCING it.”

That being said, cheaters are prevalent in just about every single online game out there from Call of Duty: Ghosts and Battlefield 4 to friggin’ Shadowgun: Deadzone. Titanfall is only a week old so we’ll wait and see what Respawn has up its sleeve. What are your thoughts on the game thus far? Let us know below.

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