Titanfall Behind the Scenes Video Showcases Pilot Motion Capture

Check out some of the more outrageous motion capture sequences for Titanfall.

Respawn Entertainment’s Titanfall had a ton of motion capture to go into every movement you see in the game. Considering that there are AI bot movements, parkouring movements, fighting scenes and much more, that’s a ton of motion capture for what’s essentially a multiplayer title. Mo-cap artist Mohammad Alavi recently released a video that goes behind the scenes of the mo-cap process, essentially showing off both Pilot and Grunt maneuvers.

“I co-directed and acted in many of the mocap sessions for Titanfall. Especially the combat and campaign specific shoots. My background in martial arts and small stature make me an ideal candidate to be thrown around a lot,” stated Alavi on his YouTube channel. We’d say it paid off though – those movements are spot on and realistically fit the context of the game.

Speaking of which, Titanfall is currently available for PC and Xbox One, with the Xbox 360 version due on April 8th in North America and April 11th in Europe. Stay tuned for more details.

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