Titanfall Campaign Multiplayer, 15 Maps, Creature Details Leaked

Two more multiplayer modes also confirmed.

Respawn Entertainment’s Titanfall lands in just a week (depending on where you stay) but there’s still a ton of information coming out about it. Instead of a recent beta data mine though, these details come from a Reddit user with an anonymous source. Take it with a grain of salt then but it’s still fairly interesting to hear about.

The campaign multiplayer will also have nine campaign matches for both factions, with each match consisting of five Attrition and five Hardpoint games. There will also be some surprise events occurring and you’ll hear different briefings before matches to further the story.

We’ve seen three game modes thus – Attrition, Hardpoint Domination and Last Titan Standing – and two more will be available on the final release. These are Pilot Hunter – which has you killing pilots to reach the score limit faster than the opposing team (Grunt kills have no impact on the score) – and the usual Capture the Flag.

That last one, Pilot Hunter, has teams fighting to reach a score limit, where each pilot kill is worth one point. Killing grunts and spectres will reduce the time required for Titanfall, but won’t add to the scoreboard.

Interestingly, the so-called creatures we’ve heard about aren’t too big a deal. They’ll wander some levels and not interfere in fights unless you provoke them. Both land creatures and flying creatures seem to exist in the world of Titanfall. Maps will also feature heavy turrents and ziplines, the former which can be used to fight Titans but also hacked to work for you.

Finally, the final release will have 15 maps, nine of which were revealed to be – Lagoon, Colony, Outpost 207, Demeter, Nexus, Colony 2, Airbase, Relic and Fracture. Interestingly, there’s no mention of Angel City, which we know is heading to the final game.

Titanfall will be launching for Xbox One and PC on March 11th in North America and March 14th in Europe. The Xbox 360 version will be out two weeks later.

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