Titanfall Dev Defends Against Claims of Being Made With Consoles in Mind

Respawn also clarifies some other details regarding the main campaign.

We’re just 9 days away from the launch of Titanfall in North America (11 days in Europe) and Respawn Entertainment is riding high after a very good reception to its recent beta. That being said, some of its decisions for multiplayer – including the infamous decision to go with 12 players in total – is still being criticized.

Of course, there are other criticisms, particular on the official Titanfall forums, of the game being designed with consoles in mind. The poster contrasts Battlefield’s gameplay on the PC and PS4, with the former being superior to the latter. Respawn replied and stated that, “We made Titanfall will fun and accessibility first in mind.”

Also, as for that VTOL showcased at one point for the Titanfall trailer, it will indeed be making an appearance in the final game. “That particular part of the trailer is actually part of the campaign cinematic and is in the final game.”

Titanfall is out for Xbox One and PC on March 11th in North America and March 14th in Europe. It will be out on Xbox 360 two weeks after.

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