Titanfall: Expedition Receives New TV Spot

Take a quick look at the three new maps in the DLC.

Respawn Entertainment’s Titanfall is still going strong more than two months into its release and recently saw the release of its first map pack DLC Expedition a week ago. A new TV spot for the DLC has been released by EA which showcases short snippets of each map. Check it out above.

Titanfall: Expedition includes three new maps, namely Swampland, Runoff and War Games. Swampland takes place near some alien ruins surrounded by thick forest cover, with tall trees you can wall run on. Runoff offers combat in a waterworks facility with several drainage pipes and elevations to navigate. War Games takes place within the pilot training simulator and essentially combines portions of Angel City, Rise and other maps into one big smorgasbord of violence.

Titanfall: Expedition is already available for PC and Xbox One. It will be out in June for Xbox 360 and retails for $10 on its own ($25 with the Season Pass, which also nets you two more future DLC packs).

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