Titanfall Live-Action Trailer Invites You to Free the Frontier

Explosions galore and a Titan cameo arrives.

Respawn Entertainment was teasing live-action content for recently released first person shooter Titanfall and now we get the “Free the Frontier” trailer. Check it out above and try to count the amount of awesomeness contained within.

The trailer itself is meant to promote the campaign, with story missions for both the IMC and Militia. Then again, you can also set up free-flowing matches where Titans drop, Pilots get annihilated and the gameplay is awesome. Though the game launches at 792p resolution for the Xbox One, the game has been getting rave reviews from critics.

Titanfall is currently available in North America and will release in Europe on March 14th. The game is currently available for Xbox One and PC, and will release on Xbox 360 on March 25th/28th. Have you had a chance to get your hands on the game? How’s the experience thus far? Let us know in the comments below about what you think.

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