Titanfall Matchmaking Update Toned Down Following Complaints

Respawn will focus on fixing bugs and implementing improvements in the meantime.

Respawn Entertainment recently ran a beta to improve matchmaking in Titanfall, balancing out teams on the basis of skill rather than connection speed in order to ensure more even matches. The update has since been added to the main game’s Attrition and Hardpoint Domination modes but hasn’t been without its problems as players have reported issues in finding matches.

Respawn since announced on Twitter that it was reducing the effects of the update while it works to improve it. “We turned down the effect of the new matchmaking to help players find games while we work on fixing bugs and making improvements.”

Titanfall is also expected to receive some new content in the coming months with new game modes releasing for free while the shooter’s first wave of DLC is readied. Titanfall has also currently released for the Xbox 360 in North America courtesy of Bluepoint Entertainment and will be out in Europe on April 11th.

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