Top 8 Grand Theft Auto 5 PC Mods

Take a gander at some of the coolest (and funniest mods) for GTA 5 on PC.

Rockstar Games may be on somewhat of a banning spree with Grand Theft Auto 5 PC mods but that’s not slowing down their creation. More new mods are coming out each day, allowing you play around in the vast urban sprawls of Los Santos like never before. We decided to check out some of the more popular mods and find which ones are worth your time and amusement. Remember, this isn’t a definitive list. If you’re hell-bent on playing as a cat and chugging molotov cocktails at police or dropping whales on enemies, rest assured that you’ll find mods for the same at sites like GTA5-Mods.

It also should be noted that bans seem to occur when on enters GTA Online with the mods installed. While the obvious strategy is to never go into GTA Online and to stay offline while using these mods, remember to install them at your own risk.

Zombie Apocalypse

No, this isn’t quite like Red Dead Redemption’s Undead Nightmare but it is an effective way to soak up bullets. The Zombie Apocalypse mod converts your character into an undead creature which resists all kinds of damage and straight up murders cops with a single punch. As if that weren’t enough, the weather changes to a brooding sky to match the horror you cause.

Gravity Gun

Convert the somewhat under-powered Stun Gun into a weapon of true physics defiance with this mod. The mod is intriguing as it allows you to lift up cars, people and other objects much like Half Life 2’s Gravity Gun. You can then fling them across the city, causing mass destruction in your wake. The animation isn’t perfect as objects tend to clip through the environment when lifting them. But at least they interact explosively (or gruesomely if using bodies) with the world.

Flying Mod

Ever wanted to fly and high jump through the skies of Los Santos? Thanks to the Nice Fly mod, you can do just that. You’ll need to have a parachute equipped and unfortunately, there aren’t any super powers per say (you can’t karate kick helicopters a la Prototype). However, it is possible to outright fly to different places as opposed to gliding. If you’ve ever wanted unbridled freedom while navigating through the world, this is the best way to do it.

Pedestrian Riot

Ask anyone what they like the most about Grand Theft Auto. Nine times out of ten, it’ll be the free form nature aka running around, causing havoc, jacking cars and evading the police among many explosions. The Pedestrian Riot mod takes this a step further, turning every able bodied civilian of Los Santos into a maniac out for blood. If you’re looking for an extra dose of mayhem and the five star police chases aren’t cutting it for you, try this mod and open yourself up as a target to the whole world.

Firing Cars from Guns

Bullets kill people. Cars kill people. Combine the two – and not in a drive-by kind of way – and you get maximum havoc. This mod changes your bullets into cars. The best part? These cars are solid objects and blow up as they impact other cars at high speeds. There are still some changes this mod requires, including the ability to fire in to the sky, but there’s nothing like greeting an enemy with a friggin’ semi-truck to his face.

Be a Cop

Suppose you want to clean up Los Santos but on a street level. This mod allows you to become the one thing criminals hate the most as you don the dark blue of LSPD and hunt down the scum and villainy roaming the streets. This mod allows you to spawn different vehivlces including choppers and cruisers along with allies to assist you. You can also respond to different crimes in progress and halt them in the name of the law.

Explore North Yankton

Though Rockstar promised a long time ago that we’d be getting some new story DLC for Grand Theft Auto 5, it’s yet to materialize due to, oh, Heists and every other GTA Online update. One significant single-player update players wanted was the ability to explore North Yankton some more. With the help of this mod, you can do just that. There aren’t any missions or activities but it’s fun to drive through if you want a change of scenery.

Bodyguards mod

As the diametrical opposite of the Pedestrian Riot mod, the Bodyguards mod actually summons several different NPCs to your side to fight with you. You can have normal citizens armed with pistols to fight off the cops or even enlist the help of Fort Zancudo soldiers. There’s also the hilarious sight of NPCs trying to get into the same car as you, bumping into each other in the process. For intentional laughs and heaps of meat shields, the Bodyguards mod is worth checking out.

Grand Theft Auto 5Modspcrockstar games