Ubisoft Presents Shape Up: New Fitness Game Challenges You to Have Fun While Exercising

We're shockingly surprised at how that ends up.

For all the high points that Ubisoft hit with its media briefing, the lowest point was when it introduced its new fitness game Shape Up. Thankfully, it wasn’t as bad as we thought as Ubisoft challenges you to have fun while working out on the Xbox One. Check out the announcement trailer for the game.

You can either play with a friend or by yourself as you work to beat your own high score from the previous day. Unlike other fitness titles, rather than a time, there will be a ghost of yourself that you’ll have to beat in order to win. This will be done through AR-like games using the Kinect or even push-up competitions. It’s all very exciting, we assure.

Shape Up will be releasing this Holiday season for the Xbox One. What are your thoughts on the game? Let us know in the comments below and stay tuned for more information.

Update: Added Screenshots.

e3 2014KinectMicrosoftShape UpUbisoftXbox One