Ubisoft Very Happy With Epic Games And Stadia Relationships

Google and Epic's recent big ventures can count on Ubisoft for support.

Not everyone is super thrilled about the streaming future of gaming that services like Stadia are promising. And you can sure say many aren’t too happy about all the controversy around the Epic Games Store. But someone who seems to be happy with both is publisher Ubisoft. They’ve partnered with Google and Epic Games for their respective platforms and been one of the bigger supporters of both, and it’s doubtful that’ll change soon.

In the recent financial conference call for investors, CEO Yves Guillemot said the Epic Games Store and Ubisoft’s own Uplay Store were “working very well hand-in-hand” and sees growth there for both stores through continued support.

As far as Stadia, they’re also jumping straight into it. Guillemot said that the actual cost of porting games to the system was minimal enough to not be a major factor and described the relationship between the two entities as “good.”

Ubisoft has always been one of the most prolific supporters of systems and platforms, so it’s not a huge surprise to see them getting in on newer services. Considering their size and scope, they’re definitely the company to do so and reap the big rewards.

Epic GamesEpic Games StorepcstadiaUbisoft