Until Dawn and Game of Thrones Headline An Excellent PS+ Month In July

Now that is an exceptionally good month.

PS Plus has been on a bit of a roll lately with the games that it offers every month to subscribers- last month, we got the superlative Life is Strange, while the month before that, we got the great Tales of the Borderlands.

This month, we get four great games across the PS4 and PS3- PS4 owners get the excellent PS4 exclusive Until Dawn, as well as Telltale’s excellent Game of Thrones, while PS3 owners get Darkstalkers Resurrection and Tokyo Jungle. PS4 owners also get Playlink’s That’s You, and Don’t Die Mr. Robot, the latter of which is shared with the PS Vita as well. Vita owners will also be getting Element4l.

All in all, an amazing month for PS4 owners, a great month for PS3 owners, and not a good one for Vita owners- but it’s hard to complain with how strong the showing is this month. It is certainly far better than Microsoft’s paltry offerings this month.

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