Untitled Captain America and Black Panther Game Announced, Led by Uncharted Director Amy Hennig

Featuring an original story set during World War 2, the title is Skydance New Media's "first initiative" and has four playable heroes.

The rumors are true – Skydance New Media’s upcoming Marvel title stars Captain America and Black Panther. A trailer for the same dropped at the Disney and Marvel Games Showcase at D23 Expo, but an official name, release window, and so on are unknown. Check it out below.

Thankfully, the story has been revealed courtesy of Geoff Keighley on Twitter. Set during World War 2, it’s an original tale starring Captain America and T’Challa’s grandfather Azzuri as the Black Panther of the time. Howling Commandos’ member Gabriel Jones and Wakandan Spy Network leader Nanali will also be playable. Interestingly, this project is the “first initiative” from Skydance New Media, which implies it’s releasing first.

Led by Amy Hennig of Uncharted fame, this isn’t the only Disney property that the studio is working on. It’s also developing a new Star Wars title with Lucasfilm, which is described as “richly cinematic” action-adventure title. Rumors claim it’s a revival of Project Ragtag, which Hennig worked on at Visceral Games before its cancellation. As always, stay tuned for more details in the coming months.

Marvel Gamespcps4ps5skydance new mediaUntitled Captain America and Black Panther GameXbox OneXbox Series SXbox Series X