Warframe Dev Addresses Changes to Gara, Volt Buffs Incoming

Gara's Mass Vitrify will have its duration based on health while Volt's Discharge has its damage cap removed.

In light of criticism for changes to Gara and what were considered inefficient buffs for Volt, Warframe developer Digital Extremes has highlighted improvements that will be coming to both Frames on the official forums.

Concerning Gara, her Mass Vitrify ability will now have its duration determined by health rather than a timer. Digital Extremes’ Aidan noted that the studio would review the values of wall health to see if more changes were required. Each section of the wall that breaks will also deal area of effect damage that can scale with ability strength.

Aidan also noted that, “We want our community to remain engaged in the way we make adjustments to our Warframes, especially once they actually get their hands on them. In Gara’s case we just didn’t feel it was appropriate to her kit to be able to lock down some maps indefinitely or otherwise.

“Power design is a reciprocal process and we simply can’t account for every possible combination of mods, situational use, and play styles in our designs, that is why we are so fortunate to have a dedicated and cooperative community to offer feedback to collaborate with. Once these changes go live, have at ‘em and bring us your thoughts.”

He also noted changes that would be coming to Volt like removing the damage cap on Discharge and raising its overall damage per second. Energy costs for carrying the Electric Shield will also be halved though there will still be some kind of drain imposed on you. Still, at least using it for that added damage or defense will be more efficient than before. We’re not sure when these changes will go live but expect more information from Digital Extremes soon. Usually such changes are pushed through without issue on PC, for what it’s worth.

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