Wargame AirLand Battle Screenshots Reveal American Units, Lots of Firepower

War - what is it good for? Lots of explosions.

Eugen Systems has released a few new screenshots for the upcoming Wargame AirLand Battle, which showcase the American units players can take control of in the game.

There’s the M50 Ontos, which is armed with 6 anti-tank cannons, Humvees, the Supercobra attack helicopter, the F-14 Tomcat, the F-15 Eagle and F-16 Fighting Falcon. Of course, the firepower of all of these pales in comparison to the F-117 Nighthawk – also known better as the Stealth Bomber that can level entire cities to the ground with its payloads.

These weapons make the United States one of the better armed forces in AirLand, representing one of the two biggest striking forces alongside the USSR. It also features more than 130 units, so you can bet that they’ll be ready to face any kind of obstacle on the battlefield.

Currently undergoing testing in the early access Beta phase, Wargame Airland Battle will release for PC on May 2013.

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