Wasteland 3 Patch 1.1.2 Now Live on PC, Reduces Loading Times by 60 Percent

Combat becoming unresponsive with the Chain Ambush perk has also been fixed.

InXile Entertainment’s latest patch for the critically acclaimed Wasteland 3 is an important one. Along with fixing various bugs and blocks to progression, it also massively improves load times. And when we say “massively”, we mean by a whopping 60 percent on PC.

This means, according to the developer at least, that a section which would take 38 seconds to load now only requires 13 seconds. It did note that the level, save data and one’s hardware would still affect load times. Also, auto-saves will happen concurrently instead of during the loading so you should wait for auto-saving to finish when entering a new scene.

Patch 1.1.2 is currently live on PC via Steam and GOG with PS4 and Xbox One getting it next week. Other issues, like combat becoming unresponsive when using the Chain Ambush perk on sniper rifles, and enemies becoming invisible after using Precision Strike, have also been fixed. Check out the full patch notes here.


  • Do you hate long load times? We hate long load times. Our engineers changed how the game loads levels, reducing load times by up to 60% on PC and 25% on console.
  • As one example, on our PC test hardware a 38 second load time was reduced to 13 seconds.
  • Fixed an issue where combat could become unresponsive with use of the Chain Ambush Perk for sniper rifles.
  • Resolved several progression blocking issues in Yuma County Speedway.
  • Enemies are now much less invisible after use of Precision Strike.
Deep SilverInXile Entertainmentpcps4wasteland 3Xbox One