Watch The Entire PAX East Just cause 3 Presentation

Not much footage, though. Why? Just 'cause.

Just Cause 3 is a thing. I still can’t believe it. Just Cause 2 was one of the cult hit games of last generation, the open world sandbox growing in stature steadily from its initial lukewarm reception as the modding community gave it new life.

If you are at all excited about Just Cause 3, and are bummed out that you couldn’t see the PAX East presentation on the game – maybe you were not there and could not attend the convention in person, or maybe you failed to catch one of the many streams online – never fear! Here is the entire presentation for you, recorded so you can pursue it at your perusal.

However, fair warning- you won’t get to see too much of the game itself. Avalanche Studios said they are not ready to show much of the game itself just yet. They want to put some more polish on it before they feel confident enough to share it.

That said, it still makes for some potentially very interesting viewing.

Avalanche Studiosjust cause 3Pax Eastpcps4Square EnixXbox One