Watch TitanFall Collectors Edition’s Unboxing

Quick! Watch it!

TitanFall is going to be out soon, having recently gone gold, and the hype surrounding the game is definitely way more than just sky high. To help with the wait for those of you who’re going to buy the game (and there will be lots of you), we have here an unboxing video of the Collector’s Edition of TitanFall.

The Collector’s Edition of TitanFall is a pretty comprehensive package. It includes, of course, a copy of TitanFall itself, an 18 inch long Titan statue “handcrafted from over 300 individual parts and featuring battery-powered LED lighting”, a hard cover art book with 190 pages of concept art for the game and a schematic poster of the Atlas Titan.

Oh, and also, it costs a whopping $250.

Yeah. We realize that due to that price tag, a lot of us may not be able to purchase it, so you might as well watch the video above.

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