World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Launch Cinematic Hypes up the Upcoming Expansion’s Release

The MMO's next big chapter is out later this month.

The absolute institution known as World of Warcraft is still going strong, and will continue to grow stronger still. Its eighth major expansion, Shadowlands, may have suffered short delay, but it will soon be out for all WoW players, bringing with it some major new changes and content additions.

To celebrate the expansion’s upcoming launch, Blizzard have released a new launch cinematic- which, in true Blizzard fashion, is all sorts of epic. From the splendour of the Bastion to the decrepit depths of the Maw, the trailer gives us a look at the environments of the fabled and titular Shadowlands, which will serve as our primary playground in the upcoming expansion. Take a look below.

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands launches on November 23, bringing new zones, new raid and dungeons, endgame activities, new factions, a new levelling system, and more. You can learn all the crucial details about the expansion through here.

BlizzardpcWorld of WarcraftWorld of Warcraft: Shadowlands