WWE 2K16 Install Size Revealed

At least for the Xbox One version.

The install size for the Xbox One version of WWE 2K16 has been revealed, and – surprise, surprise! – it’s pretty hefty. The Xbox One version of the game will weigh in at 38.68GB, according to the Xbox Live Marketplace. That’s nearly 40GB of storage space, or almost 10% of the usable space on your 500GB hard drive that your Xbox One probably came with.

At the very least, it looks like WWE 2K16 will earn its keep- the game looks absolutely awesome, and like a return to form for wrestling games (the last time they were as awesome as WWE 2K16 is looking to be was back in the N64 era). As long as it turns out to be as good as it is looking to be, I bet most players won’t begrudge it the space that it is taking up.

WWE 2K16 launches later this month on Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, and PlayStation 4.

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