Xbox Boss Phil Spencer Already Has A Scorpio At Home, Even 10 Year Old Xbox 360 Games Will Benefit From It

“Every game should get access to the full capabilities of the hardware, whether the game was written two years ago for Xbox One, 10 years ago for 360, or is yet to be shipped. "

The Xbox Scorpio is beast of a machine. There is no doubt about that. However, Microsoft have ensured that not only future games but also older Xbox 360 titles dating back 10 years will also be able to take full benefit of the new console’s technical prowess. Speaking to The Guardian, Spencer revealed that every game on Scorpio will have full access to the console’s technical performance.

“Every game should get access to the full capabilities of the hardware, whether the game was written two years ago for Xbox One, 10 years ago for 360, or is yet to be shipped. You’re gonna see games that shipped on Xbox One that just natively run better on Scorpio, because you have the CPU and GPU power, and things like scalable resolution, which Halo used. You’re just gonna find that it’s running at a higher resolution a lot of the time, or all the time – and if the team does specific work for Scorpio obviously then there’s a ton of headroom to go do something great.”

He also revealed that he already has a Scorpio at his home (which is not a big surprise given that he is the Big Boss at Xbox) and that he is clearly able to tell the difference between running games at 1080p and 4K. Heck, he even admitted that games look even more amazing at 1080p resolution on the Scorpio.

“We’ve got a higher frequency CPU than any other console, we’ve got a better GPU, we’ve got more RAM. I have a Scorpio at home, so I’ve moved it back and forth from a 1080p TV to a 4K TV – and if you’re running on a 1080p TV and you plug Scorpio in you’re gonna be able to tell. I can tell,” he explained.

Scorpio is expected to launch this Holiday. The release date and price have not been announced yet.

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