Xbox Live Subscribers Could Get Some Compensation For Xbox Live Downtime, Says Major Nelson

'I've made the Xbox team aware of this request.'

Xbox Live has been seeing a lot of problems of late, with frequent outages and downtimes that are frankly entirely uncharacteristic of the service (now if this were PSN, we’d expect regular outages, but that’s because PSN has always lagged behind Xbox Live in terms of stability). The problem seems to have stabilized of late, and it’s been a few days since we heard of any issues with Xbox Live.

With the problem (hopefully) behind them, Microsoft’s Larry “Major Nelson” Hryb, Microsoft’s Director of Programming, confirmed on Reddit that he will discuss compensation for users of some sort for the downtime that Xbox Live suffered.

“I’ve taken some of the more thoughtful comments and shared them with a few folks on the Xbox team to make them aware of this request,” Hryb said in a Reddit thread asking about compensation for the outages. “That’s about all I’ve got right now- but when I am back in the office I am going to stop by and chat 1:1 with some folks about this as well.”

Hopefully, Microsoft does extend some form of compensation for users- Sony has been known to do this in the past, and it is a cheap and easy way of gaining some goodwill from your userbase. And goodwill is a commodity that Microsoft desperately needs right now.

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