Xbox One Backwards Compatibility With Xbox 360 Games Announced

Microsoft confirms that previous gen titles will work on its current gen console in the near future.

Microsoft dropped a very unexpected bombshell at its E3 2015 media briefing when it announced backwards compatibility for the Xbox One. yes, that means exactly what you think it does – Xbox 360 games will run on the console. Microsoft’s Mike Ybarra took the stage to reveal Mass Effect running on the Xbox One with 100 games to be available by this Holiday season. The feature will go live for Preview Program members later today though.

With the backwards compatibility, Xbox owners simply need to place their disc in the console, download the game from Xbox Live and start playing. Developers won’t have to do any extra work it seems and all of the Xbox One’s features – streaming, DVR, screenshots, etc. – will all be supported.

The best part? You won’t be charged for anything. As long as you own the game, you can play it on your Xbox One.

Thoughts on this new feature? Let us know in the comments below and stay tuned for more information.

e3 2015Microsoftxbox 360Xbox One