Xbox One Black Friday Bundle Is $299, Comes With Two Controllers, Gears of War and Fallout 4

Hot damn.

The first of many great deals for Black Friday has come to light today- a new bundle for Microsoft’s Xbox One console, which includes the system, two controllers, a copy of Gears of War: Ultimate Edition, and a copy of Fallout 4… all for just $299. So for the price of a Wii U, you can get an Xbox One, two of its biggest releases, and two controllers. Talk about a steal.

This news comes to us courtesy of Dell, who have published a website that offers a sneak peak at the deals they’ll offer on this year’s Black Friday. This is, of course, a great deal, and one that will certainly help the Xbox One survive the onslaught of a price reduced PS4.

Gears of War: Ultimate Edition launched for the Xbox One in August; Fallout 4 will launch for the Xbox One, PS4, and PC next month. Of these, the Xbox One version will come with a free copy of Fallout 3, as well as support for mods, none of which are available with the PS4 version of the game at the moment.

Bethesdablack fridayFallout 4Gears of War: Ultimate EditionMicrosoftthe coalitionXbox One