Xbox One: “Computational Power of More Than 10 Xbox 360s”, Can Tap Into Cloud for “Limitless Horsepower”

Engineering manager Jeff Henshaw talks about the power of the Xbox One.

Despite the problem with used games and periodic online check-ins, the Xbox One is apparently no slouch when it coms to power. Engineering manager Jeff Henshaw stated that the Xbox One has “the computational power of more than 10 Xbox 360 consoles. Of course, the real advantage comes with Cloud computing that “brings infinite additional processing power.”

During a closed door meeting titled “Xbox 101” with GamesIndustry International, Henshaw showcased how Microsoft used the Xbox One for a demo created by real NASA data that involved tracking the orbital velocity of 40,000 asteroids in space.

“Microsoft has hundreds of thousands of servers and dozens of data centers geographically distributed all around the planet, and Xbox One has the ability to instantly tap in to that limitless computational horsepower”.

With cloud computing, this allow the Xbox One “to take the number of asteroids from 40,000 to 330,000, and any device doing the computational math to realistically in real-time chart the orbital velocity of 330,000 asteroids would melt a hole in the ground, but Xbox One is able to do it without even breaking a sweat because it’s pulling in virtualized cloud computing resources.”

Clouc computingMicrosoftnext gen consolesXbox One