Xbox One Dev Justifies The Inclusion of Kinect In Every Box, Is An Integral Part of The Experience

'It is an integral part of the Xbox One experience'

Yesterday a Xbox One developer conducted an AMA on Reddit and revealed tons of new information about Mircosoft’s upcoming next generation console.

Microsoft had announced that the Kinect will be included with every box. This obviously is one of the reasons why the Xbox One is priced higher than its competitor the PS4 by a margin of $100.

However, the developers thinks that the inclusion of Kinect in every box will give developers the freedom to include unique functionality in to their games.

“The goal with having a Kinect ship with every Xbox is to guarantee to game developers if they implement Kinect features into their games, everyone who has an Xbox will be able to experience it. I often see people dismiss the Kinect instantly because they haven’t seen it work like I have. It is an integral part of the Xbox One experience,” he said.

He also believes that from a user point of view it would be great if the Kinect did not had an always plugged in requirement, however he thinks it will undermine the above mentioned guarantee to the game developers.

“The number of features on the Xbox One that uses the Kinect is almost too many to count. I can’t imagine using the console without it. To me, I see two ways to deal with this.

  • Not require the Kinect to be always plugged in and have all these features turned off by default.
  • Enable these features by default and turn them off if people choose to turn off the Kinect.

The first choice would undermine our guarantee to game developers.”

You can read the entire AMA here. The Xbox One releases later this year.

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