Xbox One Can Run Up To Four Apps At Once

That is some extremely impressive multitasking.

Everything else about the Xbox One has been rather wildly inconsistent, as Microsoft has gone back and performed a switcharoo about most of its major design philosophies, but one thing that has remained consistent is the great UI and the emphasis on advanced multitasking. Indeed, the kind of multitasking we are looking at with the Xbox One is stuff that not even modern smartphones and tablets can fully achieve yet.

For example, the console can run four apps at the same time. Simultaneously. This is incredibly impressive (especially when you consider the ‘Snap’ function that allows two windowed apps to be on screen at the same time). Obviously, only one game can be running at a time, however.

Xbox One can also support multiple sign ins, supporting up to six signed in users at a time, with Kinect being used to determine who the active player is. Kinect can identify you once you sign in, and then automatically pull all your profile data from the cloud. It also greatly expedites the sign in process by allowing you to sign in by just waving your hand.

It all sounds pretty good. Even haters have to admit that it all sounds impressive, and the media and UI of the Xbox One looks a step ahead of the competition.


KinectMicrosoftXbox One