Xbox One Preview Beta Testers Can Try FastStart Now

Now available to preview members.

One of the major announcements from the E3 event at Microsoft last week, FastStart Technology is the fancy marketing term given to algorithms that will help Xbox One gamers be able to jump into the game faster, by the technology being able to target and prioritize the files the game will need earlier on, so the player can just play while the game downloads the rest in the background.

If you happen to be a part of the Xbox One Preview Beta, or a lucky subset of the Delta Ring, you can now load system update 1806, which introduces the technology to that audience to help the team iron out any quirks between now and the imminent proper release later this month. The titles currently marked with support include larger games like The Golf Club, right down to smaller titles like Spelunky.

While the idea of letting games download in the background while the player gets started isn’t exactly new, and was first introduced as a feature of the PS4 and Xbox One at launch, the developer would be required to order the files needed for that early launch. General apathy is why we see games that are “ready to play”, but really just mean they’ll load to the title screen. FastStart then, offloads that effort to AI and algorithms, supposedly meaning games will be able to start twice as fast on supported titles. Stay tuned to Gamingbolt as more titles are revealed.

E3 2018FastStartMicrosoftXbox One