Xbox One Sales At 18 Million Worldwide, According To eSports Company Head

If true, then even the Wii U is getting dangerously close to its total.

With Microsoft refusing to give us an exact number of just how many units the Xbox One may have sold worldwide, we are generally left to third party sources to give us some hard numbers. So far, we’ve had multiple third party publishers, as well as analysts and agencies, estimate the sales of the console to be in the region of 19-20 million units worldwide- but a new estimate by the CEO of eSports company Gfinity seems to put the console’s sales at an even lower 18 million units worldwide.

Gfinity has since clarified the estimate, pointing out that “it has not sought to confirm Microsoft sales figures,” and that “the comments in the statement today is based on a variety of independent sources published earlier this year.” However, with that said, if the 18 million figure is actually accurate, Microsoft is at half of the PS4’s 36 million units sold mark, and dangerously close to being overtaken by the Wii U, which is at 13 million units sold.

Of course, it may be that these figures are wrong- but if they are, maybe Microsoft would like to set the record straight? As it stands right now, these third party figures are the best we have, so I imagine we have no choice but to continue using them.

MicrosoftXbox One