Xbox One to Include 2 AA Batteries for Controller

Breaking news!

Good news, everyone! Larry “Major Nelson” Hryb, after touting an exclusive sticker for the Xbox One during a recent unboxing, has mentioned one more relevant detail for the same on Twitter.

Yes, this is actually a worthy announcement to make separately.

On a deeper note, there are two ways to look at this: Batteries have always been available and will always be available. Internal battery packs are yet to catch on for regular TV remotes, so can we really expect the same for consoles (even though the DualShock 3/4 has the same)?

On the other hand, this is a next generation console. Microsoft may want to backtrack on its DRM policies and put a knife in its plans to become Steam for consoles. But why not internal battery packs? Surely there is a way to make this work?

Unless Microsoft is just trolling us all by assuming that if we didn’t have the internet access necessary to enjoy the console, then we’d certainly need to rely on old-fashioned batteries to get the job done. Regardless, look forward to 2 free AA batteries and an Xbox One this November.

controllerKinectMicrosoftXbox One