Xbox One Will Allow 1000 People Per Friends List

Friend limit increased.

The Xbox 360 was a social console, which allowed for a then staggering 100 friends per friends list. However, as it stands now, 100 friends is a tiny amount of people to have on your friends list, especially with the advent of Facebook, and the spread of social gaming. Given that, it appears that the limit on friends was one of the fixes Microsoft made for Xbox Live on the upcoming Xbox One.

First on Twitter, and then speaking in an official capacity to Polygon, Microsoft has confirmed that the maximum number of friends allowed on the new console will be 1000 per friends list.


Speaking to Polygon, Microsoft’s Marc Whitten said, “You’ll be able to have many, many more friends [on Xbox One] – we won’t have those types of limits, and you’ll see us pulling friends from across other social experiences.

“You’ll have your Gamertag, which will be semi-anonymous, and you’ll be able to use your real name with your friends,” he said. “You as a user will be able to say who on your friends list will see you as your real name.”

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(Thanks Polygon)

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